I have served on the Judicial Council since 2008 and I am asking for your vote in April so that I
can continue my service as the State Bar’s representative on this important public agency.
The Council is charged with duties that affect the practice of every attorney in Wisconsin.
The Council advises the Supreme Court, the Legislature and the Governor concerning issues related to the operation of the courts. It has a special relationship with the Supreme Court.The Council shall “observe and study the rules of pleading, practice and procedure, and advise the Supreme Court as to changes which will … promote a speedy determination of litigation upon its merits.” By the terms of Wis. Stat. §751.12, when the Supreme Court promulgates rules governing pleading, practice and procedure in the courts, the Court may call upon the Council for assistance.
My background has prepared me to serve on the Council. I have been a trial lawyer since 1974 and I know firsthand how important the Council is to the administration of Justice in Wisconsin. In my opinion, a representative of the State Bar must constantly strive to represent the divergent opinions of the many lawyers who must rely on and use the rules of civil procedure and evidence in their practice, while at the same time maintaining a principled non-partisan view of the role of the courts, lawyers and litigants.
I have served the interests of the State Bar well. As noted, I have served on the Council since 2008. I have been elected by the State Bar membership. My many supporters, some of whom are listed on this web page, attest to my reputation as an experienced litigator. During my service, I have striven to improve our system of Justice in a number of ways.

The Council’s work must address 21st Century issues. I was one of the principal drafters of Wisconsin’s new e-discovery rules. My background has equipped me to provide
important guidance to the Council concerning the realities of the electronic practice of law, e-discovery and digital evidence. With Professor Jay Grenig of the Marquette Law School I co-authored a 1400 page treatise entitled e-Discovery & Digital Evidence. This treatise is a nationally recognized resource on electronic litigation and is the flagship treatise of the Thomson Reuters Company concerning electronic litigation.
The Council’s work should be transparent. The Council is a public body and it impacts all aspects of the civil and criminal justice system. During my time on the Council, I have sought to insure the transparency of the Council’s work. In particular, I have worked hard to insure that input is sought from members of the Bar Association who will be affected by recommendations of the Council to the Supreme Court for new or modified rules of evidence and civil procedure.
Work on the Council includes appearances before the Supreme Court. I am an experienced appellate advocate and on a number of occasions I have appeared before the Supreme Court as an advocate for recommendations of the Council.
I respectfully ask that you vote to keep me on the Council as your representative this April. You can contact me at